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To assist in the cellular detoxification of residual toxins as a consequence of previous reckettsial infection. Effects of these accumulated toxins are frequently delayed in onset. Detox may also be employed in acute infections in an effort to prevent secondary complications. Clinically, this DETOXOSODE has been found to be as useful as employing individual rickettsial nosodes. For relief of gastric burning in stomach, diarrhea and to assist the bodily systems' natural efforts to return to homeostasis.



*ASTRAGLUS EXSCAPUS is a legume with immune modulating activity.

*ECHINACDEA ANGUSTIFOLIA is a very popular herbal shown to have a beneficial effect on the immune system.

*EUPHORBIA LATHYRIS, a type of spurge, is an herbal with detoxifying and eliminative properties.

*INTERLEUKIN (IL/2): a lymphokine factor that transmits growth and differentiation signals between cells. This effect serves to benefit the lymphatic system.

DETOXOSODE RICKETTSIA Homeopathic Formula 4 oz. (Replaced by Para-Chord)

  • These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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