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Recommended in Germany for subacute and chronic kidney disorders, diabetes, prevention of kidney stones, renal hypertension, and arrhythmia due to  electrolyte imbalance.



 Increase of circulation in the renal parenchyma: 

     Mildly stimulates diuresis

     Protects the epithelial lining of the efferent urinary passages

     Spasmodic and anti-infammatory

     Prevents formation of kidney stones

     Mild adrenal stmulation


Herniaria glabra - Rupturewort aerial portion
Salix alba - White Willow bark
Agathosma serratifolia - Buchu (Bucco) leaf
Equisetum arvense - Horsetail aerial portion
Glycyrrhiza glabra - Licorice root
Mentha x piperita - Peppermint leaf
Orthosiphon aristatus - Java Tea leaf
Juniperus communis - Juniper berry
Ononis campestris - Restharrow root
Phaseolus vulgaris - Common Bean shell
Betula pendula - Birch leaf
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Uva-Ursi leaf

Suggested Use
30 drops in 8 ounces pure water, two to three times daily, between meals.
Half or less of the adult amount.


  • This information is not meant to diagnose, treat or replace traditional treatment, and has not been approved by the FDA or HPB.

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