Supports healthy circulation.
Peripheral circulatory disturbance (cold hands and feet), arterial circulatory disturbance especially in the legs, intermittent claudication, varicose veins, tingling and numbness in arms and legs, cold extremities.
Improves peripheral arterial circulation and invigorates the return of venous blood by strengthening the vascular walls.
Key Ingredient
Aesculus hippocastanum 1xAccompanying Ingredients
Potentilla anserina 1x
Ustilago maidis 5x
Secale cornutum 4x
Ruta graveolens 3xSUGGESTED USE
Acute: 20 drops in 1 ounce water five times daily.
After improvement, decrease to 25 drops three times daily.Children
Half or less of the adult amount.
Aesculus No. 6 Homeopathic Medicine
This information is not meant to diagnose, treat or replace traditional treatment, and has not been approved by the FDA or HPB.